The three year BA/BSc Degree programmes are divided into three parts. Of these Part-I English and Part-II Second Language (which may be a choice between Malayalam and Hindi in normal cases) are common to all the BA/BSc courses and are to be taken during the first two years. Part-III comprises the Optional Papers in the respective disciplines and their Subsidiary subjects.

        The subsidiary subjects are offered during the first two years of the Degree Programme and the examinations will be completed by the end of the second year. The study of the main subject will be spread over the three years of the course work. The under graduate programmes offered in this college are as follows.

A. Bachelor of Arts

i) Economics(Main) with World History and Political science (Subsidiaries)

ii) English language and Literature(Main) with Political Science and History as subsidiaries.

iii) Political Science (Main) with World History and General Economics as subsidiaries.

iv) History (Main) with Political Science and General Economics as subsidiaries.


B. Bachelor of Science.

i) Mathematics (Main) with Physics and Chemistry as subsidiaries.

ii) Physics(Main) with Mathematics and Chemistry as subsidiaries

iii) Chemistry (Main) with Physics and Mathematics as subsidiaries.

iv) Botany (Main) with Chemistry and Zoology as subsidiaries.

v) Zoology (Main) with Botany and Chemistry as subsidiaries.




       Two year Post Graduate Courses are  offered by seven  departments. Examinations are conducted at the end of each academic year. The Post Graduate courses offered by the college are the following.

A. Master of Arts

i) English Language and Literature.

ii) Economics.

B. Master of Science.

i)  Mathematics

ii)  Physics

iii) Pure Chemistry

iv) Analytical Chemistry

v)  Botany

vi) Zoology

C. Doctor of Philosophy

     Five Post Graduate Departments of the college are also research centres which offer facilities for research programmes leading to the award of PhD degree. Admissions to the PhD programmes are processed as per University notifications. The following departments offer the above programmes.

i) English

ii) Economics

iii) Chemistry

iv) Botany

v)  Zoology